You Care For Me...

Writing my diary they were some of the hardest words I had to write. Because writing it down made it true. And it was hard to accept that people out there actually cared for me. I knew when I wrote those words on the 16th of September that I should never have doubted the fact that Sara cared for me. But I did. I did for a long while. But never again. Never again will I ever doubt that she cares for me. 

From day one she was there. No matter what. Even when I hated life, and was adamant that I wasn't worth it, she was there for me. I always knew that whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on, or someone to talk to, she would be there for me. 

The day that everything happened I was distraught but even then she was full of understanding. And tried her best to show me that everything would be okay. 

How many times had she tried to convince me that she cared? I have no idea. I lost count. She listened to me, because she cared. 


Its what people do. They care about others...everyone has someone who cares for them...everyone

I was scared of letting her in. Because I didn't want to be hurt again. But I know that she never will. She cares about me. 

Thank you doesn't really cover everything she has done for me. But saying thank you really is the best that I can do....

So Sara, I thank you, from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for me, it has changed my world
Of course I can, anyone can given time. You can adjust to anything. 

I proved to myself that holiday that I could cope, that I didn't need to cry every five minutes. 

I stopped feeling like I should give up. I realized that after fighting for so long it wasn't worth it. I had come so far that I might as well go the rest of the way. 

I had got somewhere, and I wasn't going back. 

I felt more in control of me, and of my life. 

I no longer felt like I needed someone to hold my hand. I felt my own person. I felt stronger. I felt able to COPE.