You’re my perfect love
The way you kiss me
The way you hold me
Everything you do
Shows me that
You’re my perfect love

You know which path
To trace down my body
How tight to hold me
How long to kiss me
How many times to
Make love to me
You know all there
Is to know about me

 You’re my perfect love
The way you kiss me
The way you hold me
Everything you do
Shows me that
You’re my perfect love

You know just how
To curl your fingers
Into my hair
How to make me
Believe that you
Truly love me
You know all there
Is to know about me

You’re my perfect love
The way you kiss me
The way you hold me
Everything you do
Shows me that
You’re my perfect love

You know what to say
To me when I feel sad
How to make me laugh
How to make me smile
How to stop the tears I cry from
Flowing down my cheeks
You know all there
Is to know about me

You’re my perfect love
The way you kiss me
The way you hold me
Everything you do
Shows me that
You’re my perfect love

You know what to do
To make my past disappear
From my thoughts
How to make the future
Be so perfect for us
And our never ending love
You know all there
Is to know about me

You’re my perfect love
The way you kiss me
The way you hold me
Everything you do
Shows me that
You’re my perfect love

You know me
So perfectly
Inside out, back to front
You know me
And I know you
I know you love me
As I love you
Together forever

You’re my perfect love
The way you kiss me
The way you hold me
Everything you do
Shows me that
You’re my perfect love

I need to ask you something,
It’s not to buy me a diamond ring
But something far more important to me
Because there is something I want you to see,
It’s about what I feel for you
I feel something so pure and true
I don’t know how to put it into words
So please, can you, from here onwards
Bare with me as I tell my story,
I’ll try to tell this quickly
But I can’t and won’t promise anything
Let’s start with the day we met, laughing
By the beach, swimming in the sea
And you called me baby

So here we are and
I need to ask this of you
It means a lot to me, because since I
Met you this life has never been the same
For me, and so I need to ask
Please, never let me go
If you did I think I would die
You are my world now, please
Never let me go

The next day we talked till midnight
And made love until we could see daylight
I never realized I would come to love you,
Love you just as much as I now do
Standing here in your doorway
I see that I have to find someway
To show you what I feel inside
I sit down at your bedside
Look into your eyes and
Tell you how much your love means
Love I have never felt before, not even in my teens
Our love is one of a kind, the very best
I am totally obsessed

So here we are and
I need to ask this of you
It means a lot to me, because since I
Met you this life has never been the same
For me, and so I need to ask
Please, never let me go
If you did I think I would die
You are my world now, please
Never let me go

I haven’t known you all that long
But I know I am not wrong
In what I feel for you
So without any adieu
Let’s start our life, together
Say our vows at the altar,
And make love till the morning light
Once more, dance in the moonlight
Because I love you more the anyone
Don’t tell me this is so sudden
I know but please say yes
And call me your princess
I know I’m not meant to do this
But I couldn’t live without your kiss

So here we are and
I need to ask this of you
It means a lot to me, because since I
Met you this life has never been the same
For me, and so I need to ask
Please, never let me go
If you did I think I would die
You are my world now, please
Never let me go

Your touch, your love, I need all of you
I just wish you knew
What I felt the day I saw you standing
There, my dreams came true, loving
You is all I want to do
What I’m saying is true
You are my only love darling
We have an amazing, sparkling
Love like no other in this life
So, one day please make me your wife
It’s doesn’t have to be soon
You don’t have to give me the moon
I just need your promise
And your everlasting kindness

So here we are and
I need to ask this of you
It means a lot to me, because since I
Met you this life has never been the same
For me, and so I need to ask
Please, never let me go
If you did I think I would die
You are my world now, please
Never let me go