This is a song that I have written recently. I like it, though it is slightly sad really...

I’ve never felt anything like it
Suddenly I feel like I am being spilt
Spilt in two, being torn apart
I now have a black heart
I am now full of pain

Pain is my only emotion
I am full of confusion
Pain fills my waking
Thoughts, and my sleeping
Nights, I am in pain

I never realized you would break me
I never realized that I couldn’t see
Just how dangerous you were
Now you have run off with her
And I am left with memories
As I watch you play ‘happy families’
Standing in the rain
So full of pain

I’ve never felt anything like it
I’ve never known such hurt
I’ve never been in pain

Pain is my only emotion
I am full of confusion
Pain fills my waking
Thoughts, and my sleeping
Nights, I am in pain

I always thought we’d last
But that’s all passed
I’m alone and you’re laughing
As you watch me crying
You had this planned
All else was dammed
You took an innocent woman,
Broke her, then ran

I’ve never felt anything like it
I’ve never known such hurt
I’ve never been in pain

Pain is my only emotion
I am full of confusion
Pain fills my waking
Thoughts, and my sleeping
Nights, I am in pain

You wanted in, you used me,
Then you discarded me
For the next innocent on
Well, hunny you won
You hurt me deeply
Until I couldn’t see
For all the tears I cried
Remembering your lies

Pain is my only emotion
I am full of confusion
Pain fills my waking
Thoughts, and my sleeping
Nights, I am in pain

You caused me such pain
That I broke in two
I’d never hurt that way
And I never will again

Pain is my only emotion
I am full of confusion
Pain fills my waking
Thoughts, and my sleeping
Nights, I am in pain

I had a black heart
Full of pain
All because of you
I felt such pain

Pain is my only emotion
I am full of confusion
Pain fills my waking
Thoughts, and my sleeping
Nights, I am in pain

You are my teacher
You are my guide
You are my friend
You are my mother
And this is a song
A song for you

You are always there
And forever fair
A shoulder to cry on
All life long
Best days are spent with you
And the family too
Ever loving, never fading
With a smile, simply loving

You are my teacher
You are my guide
You are my friend
You are my mother
And this is a song
A song for you

Even when we argue
I always know what you do
You do because you love me
This I can see
I will never go far
Because of all you are
Everything leads back here
With you there’s no fear
Simply because

You are my teacher
You are my guide
You are my friend
You are my mother
And this is a song
A song for you

You and I together
Side by side forever
Showing me the way
Each and every day
We are stronger
Now we’ve travelled further
Ever loving, ever protecting
Ever caring, ever hoping
That’s you because

You are my teacher
You are my guide
You are my friend
You are my mother
And this is a song
A song for you

You are the reason
That I’m alive
You brought me up
To  know what’s right
You loved me
No matter what

You are my mother
You are my teacher
You are my guide
You are my friend
You are my mother
And this is a song
A song for you

The longest song I have written, and it took me the most time...still not sure that I am totally happy with it...but I like it

The deep blue ocean
With it's hidden secrets
And mysterious ways
Controlled by the moon
It's ever constant flow
That hugs the shore

The big whales that
Rome the wild oceans
That swim in the
Darkest depths
Discovering secrets
We only dream of

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The plants that grow
Under the sea
With beautiful colours
And crazy shapes
Moving with the
Currents of the world

he fish that swim
In the waters
So many shapes
Sizes, colours and
Each has it's own place
Where it belongs

The trees of forests
Branches continually
Stretching for the sky
Always out of reach
But home to so many
Animals and insects

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The insects that crawl
Along the leaves
That climb the branches
Build their nests
Live in groups
That are millions strong

The muddy paths
That lead into the dark
Of the unknown
Taking you somewhere
New, somewhere old
Somewhere different

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The birds that wake
With the Dawn
That sing their song Telling the world
How they feel
If only people listen

The thick grasses
Of the African plains
That change with
The seasons each year
Where the hunt
Takes place

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The lions that
Live under the burning
Sun in their prides
The cubs that play
The mums who hunt
The males who sleep
The jungle that hides
The secrets we can
Only hope of
The trees, the animals
The plants and insects
That live upon the beauty

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The leopard that hunts
In the darkness
So quiet, secretive with
Big paws and spotted fur
There are many types
If only we take time to look

The desert hot and dry
A hostile environment
Where little survives
The burning sun
Dust and sandstorms
That can be your death

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The lizard that hides
In the dark night
Only there in the heat
Of the day
Lying on sun baked
Rocks seeking warmth

The wetlands that thrive
Anywhere in the world
They support so much
Life that is so varied This is the place where
birds breed, a true treasure

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The frogs that live both
In and out of water
That can be so
Many different colours
And can leap so far
And can be deadly

The American outback
That is so beautiful
With the country boys
And dirt roads that
Lead to nowhere
But are always loved

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The horses so many colours
So many patterns so many
Personalities but all can
Be tamed, and ridden
Galloping over the world
With us along for the ride

The Waterfalls of the world
So powerful thundering
Down cliff faces
With long gorges reaching
Out behind them
And pools that ever deepen

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The tigers with their black

Stripes that hide them so
Well in the jungles
Big paws and golden eyes
That move so silently
And see everything

The rivers that wind
Though the mountains
And down though
The open plains
Flowing into the
Open waters of the ocean

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The seals that brave
The cold Arctic to breed
Where so many predators are
Waiting to take their young
As is the way of the world
Nothing is as it seems

The mountains that push up
Cutting through the skyline
With their ever growing peaks
That are formed by the
Earths plates pushing
Together for the rest of time

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The goats that can climb
The steep hillsides
So sure footed
No danger of falling
The graze whenever Not affected by time

The ice of the Arctic
The Antarctic, iceland
And Greenland
So cold yet so pure
So totally untouched
So out of reach

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The dolphins that leap
Through the skin of the ocean
So playful so happy
So beautiful they bring
A smile to our faces
As they dive together

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

It takes just a moment
To say hello
But it takes forever
To say goodbye
I never want to say
Goodbye to you

It takes just a moment
But I never took that moment
I never said hello
Now I can’t bring
Myself to say goodbye
To you, even though I should

It takes just a moment
To say hello
But it takes forever
To say goodbye

It takes just a moment
And I wish for the moment
To last forever
I wish I could stay
And be with you always
But its time for me to go

It takes just a moment
To say hello
But it takes forever
To say goodbye

It takes just a moment
Here I am in tears
Welling in my eyes
Knowing what Ive got to say
But this is taking forever
Because I’m saying goodbye

It takes just a moment
To say hello
But it takes forever
To say goodbye

I never want to say
Goodbye to you
The bridges I’ve burnt,
They make me, who I am,
They have scared me,
Torn me apart,
But they have shown me, who I really am,
Underneath all this hurt and pain,
I know that they can’t always be rebuilt,
The bridges I’ve burnt,

There have been many bridges through my life
Some have cut me like a knife,
Others have shown me love,
As pure as a white dove,
But all of them have helped make me,
Who I am today,

The bridges I’ve burnt,
They tell the story of my life,
They have cut me up,
Left me for dead,
But they have made,
 Me stronger, and happier today,
I know that I can’t always fix,
The bridges I’ve burnt, 

There have been many bridges through my life
Some have cut me like a knife,
Others have shown me love,
As pure as a white dove,
But all of them have helped make me,
Who I am today,

The bridges I’ve burnt,
If I walked down their paths again,
I could tell you step by step,
The journey I would be taking,
This is because it is the journey,
Of my life, of my past,
And I remember all those I’ve shared it with,
And all those bridges I’ve burnt

There have been many bridges through my life
Some have cut me like a knife,
Others have shown me love,
As pure as a white dove,
But all of them have helped make me,
Who I am today,

There have been many bridges through my life
Some have cut me like a knife,
Others have shown me love,
As pure as a white dove,
But all of them have helped make me,
Who I am today
I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?

Can’t you see
I am not the person
You thought I was
I am me, my own
Person, you can’t
Control me, I am
Not your baby girl
Anymore, I have
Changed, please,
Let me go

I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?

I can’t be bound by
These chains anymore
I need to feel
Alive, feel something
Real, let me go and
Don’t worry about
Me, I can look after
Myself now, I can
Survive without
You looking over my shoulder

I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?

I have done things
You can’t even imagine
I know more about life than
You think, so please let me live
I know you worry
But there is no need
I can take care of me
Now it’s time to let me go
It’s time for me to
Find out who I am

I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?

I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?
I Wrote This Song For Sara, Because She Saved My Life. And I Love Her More Than Words Can Ever Explain. She Is My Surrogate Mother x

You broke my walls,
I never thought I could let you in
No matter how much I wanted to,
I was just afraid to trust you
But you proved me wrong every day,
Showed me you wouldn’t ever hurt me,
You stood by my side and
Helped me cope, helped me survive

Why I will never know,
Never know why you choose to help me
Choose to let me close
When I needed someone,
 Yes, I will never know why

You showed me you could be trusted
I never thought I would again
Yet you showed me I could
You let me cry on your shoulder,
Let me unburned my fears on you
And slowly I did start to trust
Because I realized you wanted to help
Help me get my life back
And you broke that wall around my heart

Why I will never know,                                                
Never know why you choose to help me
Choose to let me close
When I needed someone,
Yes, I will never know why

And so I now just want to say this,
Over time you have shown me that
Some things have to be done,
Some things have to be said
So I am going to do and say this,
Without you I wouldn’t be here today,
The person I am today
Living the life I am
Please let me say this,

Why I will never know,
Never know why you choose to help me
Choose to let me close
When I needed someone,
Yes, I will never know why

Yet now I feel I don’t have to know
Why you did what you did
And why you said what you said
But thank you from the bottom of my heart,
And I am truly grateful for all that
You have done for me
You are totally amazing
I’m glad you are who you are.
You changed my life. 
You’re my perfect love
The way you kiss me
The way you hold me
Everything you do
Shows me that
You’re my perfect love

You know which path
To trace down my body
How tight to hold me
How long to kiss me
How many times to
Make love to me
You know all there
Is to know about me

 You’re my perfect love
The way you kiss me
The way you hold me
Everything you do
Shows me that
You’re my perfect love

You know just how
To curl your fingers
Into my hair
How to make me
Believe that you
Truly love me
You know all there
Is to know about me

You’re my perfect love
The way you kiss me
The way you hold me
Everything you do
Shows me that
You’re my perfect love

You know what to say
To me when I feel sad
How to make me laugh
How to make me smile
How to stop the tears I cry from
Flowing down my cheeks
You know all there
Is to know about me

You’re my perfect love
The way you kiss me
The way you hold me
Everything you do
Shows me that
You’re my perfect love

You know what to do
To make my past disappear
From my thoughts
How to make the future
Be so perfect for us
And our never ending love
You know all there
Is to know about me

You’re my perfect love
The way you kiss me
The way you hold me
Everything you do
Shows me that
You’re my perfect love

You know me
So perfectly
Inside out, back to front
You know me
And I know you
I know you love me
As I love you
Together forever

You’re my perfect love
The way you kiss me
The way you hold me
Everything you do
Shows me that
You’re my perfect love

I have a dream, a fantasy
That I hold inside of me
It’s always there with me,
No matter where I go, I take
My dream with me

My dreams shows me a different
Life, a life not like mine, but
A life that exists only in my
Dream, no one else knows it
It belongs to me only

This dream I wish to be my
Reality even though I know it
Cannot be, I still dream of this
Life, it’s complicated and
Confusing but I know it well

I know my dream life better
Then I know my real one, it’s
Full of hurt sorrow and death
Yet life and happiness shine
Though, why can’t I live this?

Dream, I love to dream my dream
Dream, I love to dream my dream

I have a dream, a fantasy
It picks me up when I feel sad
It’s my escape when I feel alone
It shows me love even when I hate life
I never want to lose my dream

My dream has been with m
So long I don’t know how to l
Live without it inside of me
It helps me to live my life
And shows me how to survive

Maybe I dream my dream too
Much but I need this dream
Inside of me more than I
Need this air I breathe
My dream lets me live

My dream life is impossible to
Live but I live it, inside my head
Every day, today we flew a plane, yesterday
We were a surgeon, tomorrow
We are a sorceress, I love my dream

Dream, I love to dream my dream
Dream, I love to dream my dream.  




Time, it is constant
Time, it shows you who you are,
Time, it is never ending

Things happen that, then, you didn’t understand
Sometimes, as you grow older
You realize what you should have done
What you should have said

Time, it is constant
Time, it shows you who you are,
Time, it is never ending

Put the past behind, time
Moves on whether you are ready or not, remember the good, forget the bad
Live your life how you want to, but remember

Time, it is constant
Time, it shows you who you are,
Time, it is never ending

I like time, it shows us so many
Different things we never before knew
Time heals us, hurt us, loves us but
Never leaves us it is always there

Time, it is constant
Time, it shows you who you are,
Time, it is never ending

Time, it is constant
Time, it shows you who you are,
Time, it is never ending