I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?

Can’t you see
I am not the person
You thought I was
I am me, my own
Person, you can’t
Control me, I am
Not your baby girl
Anymore, I have
Changed, please,
Let me go

I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?

I can’t be bound by
These chains anymore
I need to feel
Alive, feel something
Real, let me go and
Don’t worry about
Me, I can look after
Myself now, I can
Survive without
You looking over my shoulder

I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?

I have done things
You can’t even imagine
I know more about life than
You think, so please let me live
I know you worry
But there is no need
I can take care of me
Now it’s time to let me go
It’s time for me to
Find out who I am

I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?

I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?
One of the first I ever wrote

Bad boy love
Come over here,
Sweep me up,
Take me to your place,
And make bad boy love
To me

Can’t you see
The need in me,
I want you here,
So please, my dear
Let’s do this
Starting with a kiss,
Ending sometime never,
Through all sorts of weather

Bad boy love
Come over here,
Sweep me up,
Take me to your place,
And make bad boy love
To me

I knew the day we met
It was the perfect set
For something amazing,
I’m never going
To leave you
No matter what you do
You’re the one
Who’s given me the most fun

Bad boy love
Come over here,
Sweep me up,
Take me to your place,
And make bad boy love
To me

All the men I’ve had
They have ended up making me sad
But not you
Everything you do
You send me over the edge
Of this precarious ledge
I live on, please
Never, ever leave

Bad boy love
Come over here,
Sweep me up,
Take me to your place,
And make bad boy love
To me

Shall I start
By giving you my heart
Or by showing
You what  you’re doing
To me (To me)
Can’t you see
I’m wild for you
And all you do

Bad boy love
Come over here,
Sweep me up,
Take me to your place,
And make bad boy love
To me

Bad boy love (I said)
Come over here,
Sweep me up,
Take me to your place,
And make bad boy love
To me (To me)