The way you treat me
The way you love me
The way you walk
Some things I don’t understand
You are one of them
You are one of them

As I walk through life
There are many things
I just don’t understand
No matter how hard I try
I just can’t see how you
Can love me, yet leave me
The way you walk towards me
That confident swagger
I know what is going to happen
Some things I don’t understand

The way to love
The way to feel
The way to live
Some things I don’t understand
You are one of them
You are one of them

You pick me up, whirl me round
As you walk through the door
You kiss me and hold
I know you love me today
You touch me so much
I can barely hold in my
Love for you
You are my soul
Some things I don’t understand

The way to love
The way to feel
The way to live
Some things I don’t understand
You are one of them
You are one of them

You love me hard
And deep, you touch
Me where it hurts
Then you leave me
Lying there loving yet
Hating you for making
Me feel so worthless
You are confusing me
Some things I don’t understand

The way to love
The way to feel
The way to live
 Some things I don’t understand
You are one of them
You are one of them

You hold me close
Kiss me deep
Never leave me
Love me always
I feel special now
You make me whole
I love you so much
I’m never leaving you
You are my heart
Some things I don’t understand

The way to love
The way to feel
The way to live
Some things I don’t understand
You are one of them
You are one of them

The way to love
The way to feel
The way to live
Some things I don’t understand
You are one of them
You are one of them
One of the first I ever wrote

Bad boy love
Come over here,
Sweep me up,
Take me to your place,
And make bad boy love
To me

Can’t you see
The need in me,
I want you here,
So please, my dear
Let’s do this
Starting with a kiss,
Ending sometime never,
Through all sorts of weather

Bad boy love
Come over here,
Sweep me up,
Take me to your place,
And make bad boy love
To me

I knew the day we met
It was the perfect set
For something amazing,
I’m never going
To leave you
No matter what you do
You’re the one
Who’s given me the most fun

Bad boy love
Come over here,
Sweep me up,
Take me to your place,
And make bad boy love
To me

All the men I’ve had
They have ended up making me sad
But not you
Everything you do
You send me over the edge
Of this precarious ledge
I live on, please
Never, ever leave

Bad boy love
Come over here,
Sweep me up,
Take me to your place,
And make bad boy love
To me

Shall I start
By giving you my heart
Or by showing
You what  you’re doing
To me (To me)
Can’t you see
I’m wild for you
And all you do

Bad boy love
Come over here,
Sweep me up,
Take me to your place,
And make bad boy love
To me

Bad boy love (I said)
Come over here,
Sweep me up,
Take me to your place,
And make bad boy love
To me (To me)

I have a dream, a fantasy
That I hold inside of me
It’s always there with me,
No matter where I go, I take
My dream with me

My dreams shows me a different
Life, a life not like mine, but
A life that exists only in my
Dream, no one else knows it
It belongs to me only

This dream I wish to be my
Reality even though I know it
Cannot be, I still dream of this
Life, it’s complicated and
Confusing but I know it well

I know my dream life better
Then I know my real one, it’s
Full of hurt sorrow and death
Yet life and happiness shine
Though, why can’t I live this?

Dream, I love to dream my dream
Dream, I love to dream my dream

I have a dream, a fantasy
It picks me up when I feel sad
It’s my escape when I feel alone
It shows me love even when I hate life
I never want to lose my dream

My dream has been with m
So long I don’t know how to l
Live without it inside of me
It helps me to live my life
And shows me how to survive

Maybe I dream my dream too
Much but I need this dream
Inside of me more than I
Need this air I breathe
My dream lets me live

My dream life is impossible to
Live but I live it, inside my head
Every day, today we flew a plane, yesterday
We were a surgeon, tomorrow
We are a sorceress, I love my dream

Dream, I love to dream my dream
Dream, I love to dream my dream.