The longest song I have written, and it took me the most time...still not sure that I am totally happy with it...but I like it

The deep blue ocean
With it's hidden secrets
And mysterious ways
Controlled by the moon
It's ever constant flow
That hugs the shore

The big whales that
Rome the wild oceans
That swim in the
Darkest depths
Discovering secrets
We only dream of

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The plants that grow
Under the sea
With beautiful colours
And crazy shapes
Moving with the
Currents of the world

he fish that swim
In the waters
So many shapes
Sizes, colours and
Each has it's own place
Where it belongs

The trees of forests
Branches continually
Stretching for the sky
Always out of reach
But home to so many
Animals and insects

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The insects that crawl
Along the leaves
That climb the branches
Build their nests
Live in groups
That are millions strong

The muddy paths
That lead into the dark
Of the unknown
Taking you somewhere
New, somewhere old
Somewhere different

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The birds that wake
With the Dawn
That sing their song Telling the world
How they feel
If only people listen

The thick grasses
Of the African plains
That change with
The seasons each year
Where the hunt
Takes place

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The lions that
Live under the burning
Sun in their prides
The cubs that play
The mums who hunt
The males who sleep
The jungle that hides
The secrets we can
Only hope of
The trees, the animals
The plants and insects
That live upon the beauty

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The leopard that hunts
In the darkness
So quiet, secretive with
Big paws and spotted fur
There are many types
If only we take time to look

The desert hot and dry
A hostile environment
Where little survives
The burning sun
Dust and sandstorms
That can be your death

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The lizard that hides
In the dark night
Only there in the heat
Of the day
Lying on sun baked
Rocks seeking warmth

The wetlands that thrive
Anywhere in the world
They support so much
Life that is so varied This is the place where
birds breed, a true treasure

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The frogs that live both
In and out of water
That can be so
Many different colours
And can leap so far
And can be deadly

The American outback
That is so beautiful
With the country boys
And dirt roads that
Lead to nowhere
But are always loved

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The horses so many colours
So many patterns so many
Personalities but all can
Be tamed, and ridden
Galloping over the world
With us along for the ride

The Waterfalls of the world
So powerful thundering
Down cliff faces
With long gorges reaching
Out behind them
And pools that ever deepen

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The tigers with their black

Stripes that hide them so
Well in the jungles
Big paws and golden eyes
That move so silently
And see everything

The rivers that wind
Though the mountains
And down though
The open plains
Flowing into the
Open waters of the ocean

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The seals that brave
The cold Arctic to breed
Where so many predators are
Waiting to take their young
As is the way of the world
Nothing is as it seems

The mountains that push up
Cutting through the skyline
With their ever growing peaks
That are formed by the
Earths plates pushing
Together for the rest of time

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The goats that can climb
The steep hillsides
So sure footed
No danger of falling
The graze whenever Not affected by time

The ice of the Arctic
The Antarctic, iceland
And Greenland
So cold yet so pure
So totally untouched
So out of reach

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

The dolphins that leap
Through the skin of the ocean
So playful so happy
So beautiful they bring
A smile to our faces
As they dive together

This word is big and crazy
But it's the only one
We have so let's look after it

His eyes, his nose, his mouth
His ears, his hands, his body
His laugh, his smile, his touch
I’m on fire, burning inside
He’s taken me, stolen my heart

One sunny afternoon
I was running through
The beautiful blue river
When I saw him there
Watching me like I was him

That was when I felt
The fire light, when I knew
He was the one for me
He smiled, and shivers
Ran down my spine

I couldn’t stop looking
But we never spoke
Then he left
Left me alone
In the beautiful blue river

I went home feeling
Loved and lost
Hope and despair
Wondering how he
Had stolen my heart

My stolen heart
Was taken by a
Beautiful cowboy
One sunny afternoon

The next day
I went to the river
I needed to see him
Once more to say
How he had stolen my heart

But he never came
He never came to me
I was left alone again
Feeling so sad, I wished
For him so badly

I went to the river every day
Hoping to see him once more
But as the weeks past
I never saw him again
And was giving up hope

The fire inside me
Was dying, it was time
For me to move on
It was clear, we were not
Meant to be

My stolen heart
Was taken by a
Beautiful cowboy
One sunny afternoon

It was several months
Later when I next went
To the beautiful blue river
And what I saw
Stolen my breathe away

There was my cowboy
Sitting on the river bank
Waiting and watching
He turned and saw me
My heart leapt

As he came running and
Took me in his arms
And hissed me
That day we spent
Loving each other

My stolen heart
Was taken by
A beautiful cowboy
One sunny afternoon

It was three months
Later that we married
One sunny afternoon
On the banks of the
Beautiful blue river

We honeymooned
In California
And built our house
Less than six miles
From where we first met

Just under a year later
Our first child
A baby girl Carrie
Two more followed
We had a family

As they grew
So did our love
For each other
We never parted
Together always

My stolen heart
Was taken by
A beautiful cowboy
One sunny afternoon

My stolen heart
Was taken by
A beautiful cowboy
One sunny afternoon