This is a song that I have written recently. I like it, though it is slightly sad really...

I’ve never felt anything like it
Suddenly I feel like I am being spilt
Spilt in two, being torn apart
I now have a black heart
I am now full of pain

Pain is my only emotion
I am full of confusion
Pain fills my waking
Thoughts, and my sleeping
Nights, I am in pain

I never realized you would break me
I never realized that I couldn’t see
Just how dangerous you were
Now you have run off with her
And I am left with memories
As I watch you play ‘happy families’
Standing in the rain
So full of pain

I’ve never felt anything like it
I’ve never known such hurt
I’ve never been in pain

Pain is my only emotion
I am full of confusion
Pain fills my waking
Thoughts, and my sleeping
Nights, I am in pain

I always thought we’d last
But that’s all passed
I’m alone and you’re laughing
As you watch me crying
You had this planned
All else was dammed
You took an innocent woman,
Broke her, then ran

I’ve never felt anything like it
I’ve never known such hurt
I’ve never been in pain

Pain is my only emotion
I am full of confusion
Pain fills my waking
Thoughts, and my sleeping
Nights, I am in pain

You wanted in, you used me,
Then you discarded me
For the next innocent on
Well, hunny you won
You hurt me deeply
Until I couldn’t see
For all the tears I cried
Remembering your lies

Pain is my only emotion
I am full of confusion
Pain fills my waking
Thoughts, and my sleeping
Nights, I am in pain

You caused me such pain
That I broke in two
I’d never hurt that way
And I never will again

Pain is my only emotion
I am full of confusion
Pain fills my waking
Thoughts, and my sleeping
Nights, I am in pain

I had a black heart
Full of pain
All because of you
I felt such pain

Pain is my only emotion
I am full of confusion
Pain fills my waking
Thoughts, and my sleeping
Nights, I am in pain

If you love me
Let me know please
If you don’t
Let me go please
Tell me now,
Do you love me?

Do you love me?
If so, show me
Show me how,
How you feel,
Feel inside

Do you love me?
Because I can’t see
What your eyes are hiding
Are you lying?
Do you love me?
Is there a ‘we’?
Because I don’t know
I feel so low
Do you love me?

If you love me
Let me know please
If you don’t
Let me go please
Tell me now,
Do you love me?

Do you love me?
If so, tell me,
Tell me how,
How you feel,
Feel inside

Do you love me?
Really care for me?
Do you see you together,
Together forever?
Do you love me?
Do you want me?
Why are you so cold?
Why do you have to scold?
Do you love me?

If you love me
Let me know please
If you don’t
Let me go please
Tell me now,
Do you love me?

If you love me
Let me know please
If you don’t
Let me go please
Tell me now,
Do you love me?

Do you love me?
If so hold me,
Hold me close
Feel me
Tell me
Love me
Care for me
Coz I need to know,
Know if you
Love me

Do you love me?
If you love me
Let me know please
If you don’t
Let me go please
Tell me now,
Do you love me?

Do you, do you
Do you love me?
That girl I use to be
That girl you use to see
That girl is no longer here
That girl is no longer living in fear
That girl is dead
That girl is dead

That girl didn’t belong
She is long gone
And so here I am
I can do anything
I am fighting
For everything that is mine
So stop lying

That girl I use to be
That girl you use to see
That girl is no longer here
That girl is no longer living in fear
That girl is dead
That girl is dead

That girl couldn’t live
She simply couldn’t give
Not like this
She loved your kiss
But not me
Can’t you see
I am free
I am me

That girl I use to be
That girl you use to see
That girl is no longer here
That girl is no longer living in fear
That girl is dead
That girl is dead
It takes just a moment
To say hello
But it takes forever
To say goodbye
I never want to say
Goodbye to you

It takes just a moment
But I never took that moment
I never said hello
Now I can’t bring
Myself to say goodbye
To you, even though I should

It takes just a moment
To say hello
But it takes forever
To say goodbye

It takes just a moment
And I wish for the moment
To last forever
I wish I could stay
And be with you always
But its time for me to go

It takes just a moment
To say hello
But it takes forever
To say goodbye

It takes just a moment
Here I am in tears
Welling in my eyes
Knowing what Ive got to say
But this is taking forever
Because I’m saying goodbye

It takes just a moment
To say hello
But it takes forever
To say goodbye

I never want to say
Goodbye to you
The bridges I’ve burnt,
They make me, who I am,
They have scared me,
Torn me apart,
But they have shown me, who I really am,
Underneath all this hurt and pain,
I know that they can’t always be rebuilt,
The bridges I’ve burnt,

There have been many bridges through my life
Some have cut me like a knife,
Others have shown me love,
As pure as a white dove,
But all of them have helped make me,
Who I am today,

The bridges I’ve burnt,
They tell the story of my life,
They have cut me up,
Left me for dead,
But they have made,
 Me stronger, and happier today,
I know that I can’t always fix,
The bridges I’ve burnt, 

There have been many bridges through my life
Some have cut me like a knife,
Others have shown me love,
As pure as a white dove,
But all of them have helped make me,
Who I am today,

The bridges I’ve burnt,
If I walked down their paths again,
I could tell you step by step,
The journey I would be taking,
This is because it is the journey,
Of my life, of my past,
And I remember all those I’ve shared it with,
And all those bridges I’ve burnt

There have been many bridges through my life
Some have cut me like a knife,
Others have shown me love,
As pure as a white dove,
But all of them have helped make me,
Who I am today,

There have been many bridges through my life
Some have cut me like a knife,
Others have shown me love,
As pure as a white dove,
But all of them have helped make me,
Who I am today
I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?

Can’t you see
I am not the person
You thought I was
I am me, my own
Person, you can’t
Control me, I am
Not your baby girl
Anymore, I have
Changed, please,
Let me go

I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?

I can’t be bound by
These chains anymore
I need to feel
Alive, feel something
Real, let me go and
Don’t worry about
Me, I can look after
Myself now, I can
Survive without
You looking over my shoulder

I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?

I have done things
You can’t even imagine
I know more about life than
You think, so please let me live
I know you worry
But there is no need
I can take care of me
Now it’s time to let me go
It’s time for me to
Find out who I am

I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?

I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?
There was once a time,
When I felt like even if,
I left this place, and never came back,
No one would ever notice I had gone,
I didn’t realize this journey,
Would show me who I am

After all this time,
I have finally realized,
This journey I have been on,
Has made me who I am,

At one point I was so torn up,
Broken deep inside,
I thought I would never be whole again,
I felt nothing but pain,
And couldn’t understand what it felt like,
To be happy, yet I know now, who I am

After all this time,
I have finally realized,
This journey I have been on,
Has made me who I am,

This life has left me,
With many scares,
But these scars show me,
Just how far I’ve come,
From those day when I never knew,
Whether this life was worth living,

After all this time,
I have finally realized,
This journey I have been on,
Has made me who I am,

Today I stand here,
Happy and free,
Ready to show the world,
This life has made me who I am
And I am thankful,
For all this life has taught me

After all this time,
I have finally realized,
This journey I have been on,
Has made me who I am, 




Time, it is constant
Time, it shows you who you are,
Time, it is never ending

Things happen that, then, you didn’t understand
Sometimes, as you grow older
You realize what you should have done
What you should have said

Time, it is constant
Time, it shows you who you are,
Time, it is never ending

Put the past behind, time
Moves on whether you are ready or not, remember the good, forget the bad
Live your life how you want to, but remember

Time, it is constant
Time, it shows you who you are,
Time, it is never ending

I like time, it shows us so many
Different things we never before knew
Time heals us, hurt us, loves us but
Never leaves us it is always there

Time, it is constant
Time, it shows you who you are,
Time, it is never ending

Time, it is constant
Time, it shows you who you are,
Time, it is never ending