That girl I use to be
That girl you use to see
That girl is no longer here
That girl is no longer living in fear
That girl is dead
That girl is dead

That girl didn’t belong
She is long gone
And so here I am
I can do anything
I am fighting
For everything that is mine
So stop lying

That girl I use to be
That girl you use to see
That girl is no longer here
That girl is no longer living in fear
That girl is dead
That girl is dead

That girl couldn’t live
She simply couldn’t give
Not like this
She loved your kiss
But not me
Can’t you see
I am free
I am me

That girl I use to be
That girl you use to see
That girl is no longer here
That girl is no longer living in fear
That girl is dead
That girl is dead
I sometimes wonder why
Wonder why life,
Can be so complicated,
It can hurt you, like a knife,
Or can be as sweet as that guy
I met last week, 

It can hurt you, even kill you,
With just one blow,
It is so harsh, so unfair,     
So difficult to understand,
But yet, last week it brought me,
So close to the edge, and it showed me,
All the secrets of this so called life,
I have found myself living,

I sometimes wonder why
Wonder why life,
Can be so complicated,
It can hurt you, like a knife,
Or can be as sweet as that guy
I met last week, 

It can be so sad
Take away from you those you love,
In a heartbeat, just like that,
And you never even had chance to say bye,
But yet, last week, I found a lover,
And it was because of this life,
That I found him,
So maybe it’s not all that sad,

I sometimes wonder why
Wonder why life,
Can be so complicated,
It can hurt you, like a knife,
Or can be as sweet as that guy
I met last week,

It can make you happy,
For no apparent reason,
You can suddenly find yourself smiling,
And have a warm, fuzzy feeling inside,
Or it can break you down,
With tears pouring down your cheeks,
Long winding rivers flowing from your eyes,
And you can hardly stand for the pain your holding inside

I sometimes wonder why
Wonder why life,
Can be so complicated,
It can hurt you, like a knife,
Or can be as sweet as that guy
I met last week,

I said I sometimes wonder why
Wonder why life,
Can be so complicated,
It can hurt you, like a knife,
Or can be as sweet as that guy
I met last week
The way you treat me
The way you love me
The way you walk
Some things I don’t understand
You are one of them
You are one of them

As I walk through life
There are many things
I just don’t understand
No matter how hard I try
I just can’t see how you
Can love me, yet leave me
The way you walk towards me
That confident swagger
I know what is going to happen
Some things I don’t understand

The way to love
The way to feel
The way to live
Some things I don’t understand
You are one of them
You are one of them

You pick me up, whirl me round
As you walk through the door
You kiss me and hold
I know you love me today
You touch me so much
I can barely hold in my
Love for you
You are my soul
Some things I don’t understand

The way to love
The way to feel
The way to live
Some things I don’t understand
You are one of them
You are one of them

You love me hard
And deep, you touch
Me where it hurts
Then you leave me
Lying there loving yet
Hating you for making
Me feel so worthless
You are confusing me
Some things I don’t understand

The way to love
The way to feel
The way to live
 Some things I don’t understand
You are one of them
You are one of them

You hold me close
Kiss me deep
Never leave me
Love me always
I feel special now
You make me whole
I love you so much
I’m never leaving you
You are my heart
Some things I don’t understand

The way to love
The way to feel
The way to live
Some things I don’t understand
You are one of them
You are one of them

The way to love
The way to feel
The way to live
Some things I don’t understand
You are one of them
You are one of them
I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?

Can’t you see
I am not the person
You thought I was
I am me, my own
Person, you can’t
Control me, I am
Not your baby girl
Anymore, I have
Changed, please,
Let me go

I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?

I can’t be bound by
These chains anymore
I need to feel
Alive, feel something
Real, let me go and
Don’t worry about
Me, I can look after
Myself now, I can
Survive without
You looking over my shoulder

I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?

I have done things
You can’t even imagine
I know more about life than
You think, so please let me live
I know you worry
But there is no need
I can take care of me
Now it’s time to let me go
It’s time for me to
Find out who I am

I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?

I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?