This is a song that I have written recently. I like it, though it is slightly sad really...

I’ve never felt anything like it
Suddenly I feel like I am being spilt
Spilt in two, being torn apart
I now have a black heart
I am now full of pain

Pain is my only emotion
I am full of confusion
Pain fills my waking
Thoughts, and my sleeping
Nights, I am in pain

I never realized you would break me
I never realized that I couldn’t see
Just how dangerous you were
Now you have run off with her
And I am left with memories
As I watch you play ‘happy families’
Standing in the rain
So full of pain

I’ve never felt anything like it
I’ve never known such hurt
I’ve never been in pain

Pain is my only emotion
I am full of confusion
Pain fills my waking
Thoughts, and my sleeping
Nights, I am in pain

I always thought we’d last
But that’s all passed
I’m alone and you’re laughing
As you watch me crying
You had this planned
All else was dammed
You took an innocent woman,
Broke her, then ran

I’ve never felt anything like it
I’ve never known such hurt
I’ve never been in pain

Pain is my only emotion
I am full of confusion
Pain fills my waking
Thoughts, and my sleeping
Nights, I am in pain

You wanted in, you used me,
Then you discarded me
For the next innocent on
Well, hunny you won
You hurt me deeply
Until I couldn’t see
For all the tears I cried
Remembering your lies

Pain is my only emotion
I am full of confusion
Pain fills my waking
Thoughts, and my sleeping
Nights, I am in pain

You caused me such pain
That I broke in two
I’d never hurt that way
And I never will again

Pain is my only emotion
I am full of confusion
Pain fills my waking
Thoughts, and my sleeping
Nights, I am in pain

I had a black heart
Full of pain
All because of you
I felt such pain

Pain is my only emotion
I am full of confusion
Pain fills my waking
Thoughts, and my sleeping
Nights, I am in pain

That girl I use to be
That girl you use to see
That girl is no longer here
That girl is no longer living in fear
That girl is dead
That girl is dead

That girl didn’t belong
She is long gone
And so here I am
I can do anything
I am fighting
For everything that is mine
So stop lying

That girl I use to be
That girl you use to see
That girl is no longer here
That girl is no longer living in fear
That girl is dead
That girl is dead

That girl couldn’t live
She simply couldn’t give
Not like this
She loved your kiss
But not me
Can’t you see
I am free
I am me

That girl I use to be
That girl you use to see
That girl is no longer here
That girl is no longer living in fear
That girl is dead
That girl is dead
I wrote this pretty recently, and I really like of my best I think!

A perfect person
Never does wrong
Never waits too long
Always knows what to say
Always has their own way
Never drives too fast
Never comes last
A perfect person
Doesn’t exist
(Doesn’t exist)

We’re not perfect
You and I
But we are real
Simply because
We’re not perfect

A beautiful surgeon
Never says I can’t
Never says I won’t
Always dresses to impress
Always looks the best
Never keeping silent
Never refusing a chance to vent
Always doing what’s right
Always up for a fight
She’s not perfect

We’re not perfect
You and I
But we are real
Simply because
We’re not perfect

An incredible actress
Never takes it slow
Never recognises her foe
Always hopes for the best
Always wonders what’s next
Never sleeps in late
Never believes in fate
Always loved by the press
Always says more is less
She’s not perfect

We’re not perfect
You and I
But we are real
Simply because
We’re not perfect

A fantastic singer
Never gives in
Never hurts her kin
Always drives fast
Always makes it last
Never stops working
Never stops singing
Always excepts her past
Always know the cost
She’s not perfect

We’re not perfect
You and I
But we are real
Simply because
We’re not perfect

A loveable businesswoman
Never short of cash
Never ready for the dash
Always hoping for more
Always the true core
Never excepting of her life
Never liking the knife
Always up the game
Always there when they came
She’s not perfect

We’re not perfect
You and I
But we are real
Simply because
We’re not perfect

The powerful teacher
Never says no
Never goes with the flow
Always stands for what she believes in
Always there for her kin
Never lets you go
Never falls down low
Always knows what to do
Always knows how to
She’s not perfect

We’re not perfect
You and I
But we are real
Simply because
We’re not perfect

We’re not perfect
No one is
Why would you want to be
Why, oh, why
We’re not perfect
You and I
You help me find my way
Through every day
With a light shinning so bright
It lights up even the darkest night,
Though I didn’t know where I was going,
I had never taken this road before, something
Told me this was right and with you beside me
Telling me to take the next step, and to see
I could do this, and I would survive,
And I would find a way to live
My life again and forget the horror
Of the past, you were my teacher,
You taught me how to live my life again
You showed me how to beat this pain

Before you came
I was so lost,
Alone and scared,
Not knowing where
I was going,
Constantly running
From those I though
Would hurt me
And then one day
I ran into
Your open arms
You walked with me

I always knew if I was sad,
You would be there, and never got mad
At me no matter how horrid I was to you
And you really are so totally true,
To those you care for, you always walked with me
And helped, tried to make me see
What you do, I am so pleased have walked with you,
I now I see what you always knew,
Everyone is special, you taught me to see that,
And even when you were busy you had time for a chat,
You made me smile, made me laugh, made me believe,
And though you didn’t understand, you let me grieve,
You were always there on the good days and the bad ones,
My love and respect for you ever deepens,

Before you came
I was so lost,
Alone and scared,
Not knowing where
I was going,
Constantly running
From those I though
Would hurt me
And then one day
I ran into
Your open arms
You walked with me. 
One of my very favourites...I just love these lyrics

Yeah, I’m a woman. Miss Lady
Yeah, I’ve got a good job. Miss Lady
Yeah, I drive a fast car. Miss Lady
I am who I am, so if you don’t like what you find,
Miss Lady is not changing for you,

I wear low cut tops with really high heels,
I look like a slut yet I am so not. Miss Lady
I am sexy, and I flaunt it. I wear short skirts,
I drive men crazy and I like it. Miss Lady
I don’t care what you think of me. Miss Lady

I am tall; I have blonde hair and blue eyes,
I look like an angel, but am I the devil? Miss Lady
I am sweet and innocent, or so you think,
I am a good girl’s bad girl, who likes it that way. Miss Lady
I don’t care what you think of me. Miss Lady

Yeah, I’m a woman. Miss Lady
Yeah, I’ve got a good job. Miss Lady
Yeah, I drive a fast car. Miss Lady
I am who I am, so if you don’t like what you find,
Miss Lady is not changing for you,

I plan the girl’s night out every week.
I turn up five minutes late in a short red dress. Miss Lady
I drink but don’t get drunk. I party all night.
I’m always the last one to leave. Miss Lady
I don’t care what you think of me. Miss Lady

I’m the sophisticated, intelligent surgeon, who has it all,
I work all hours, I do three shifts a day. Miss Lady
I run this ward, this floor, this hospital. I rule.
I never give up. I fight for my colleagues, my patients. Miss Lady
I don’t care what you think of me. Miss Lady

Yeah, I’m a woman. Miss Lady
Yeah, I’ve got a good job. Miss Lady
Yeah, I drive a fast car. Miss Lady
I am who I am, so if you don’t like what you find,
Miss Lady is not changing for you,

I’m a bitch, ice cold with no emotion.
I cut people to the bone with a single look. Miss Lady
I make people cry with what I say. No one survives me.
I don’t believe in pain. I don’t feel. Miss Lady
I don’t care what you think of me. Miss Lady

I am the Queen of Hearts. I love you and you love me.
I love everyone. I will protect you always. Miss Lady.
I cry if you cry. I’ll forever be there for you.
I hurt. I bleed. I cry. I live. Miss Lady.
I don’t care what you think of me. Miss Lady.

 Yeah, I’m a woman. Miss Lady
Yeah, I’ve got a good job. Miss Lady
Yeah, I drive a fast car. Miss Lady
I am who I am, so if you don’t like what you find,
Miss Lady is not changing for you,

I am everywoman. And everywoman is me. 
Miss Lady is my name.

Yeah, I’m a woman. Miss Lady
Yeah, I’ve got a good job. Miss Lady
Yeah, I drive a fast car. Miss Lady
I am who I am, so if you don’t like what you find,
Miss Lady is not changing for you,

Yeah, I’m a woman. Miss Lady
Yeah, I’ve got a good job. Miss Lady
Yeah, I drive a fast car. Miss Lady
I am who I am, so if you don’t like what you find,
Miss Lady is not changing for you