Hello to anyone out there reading this...

I am Back!!! We got back last night, and after having a nice long hot bath I went to bed and slept for a good 10 hours! Nice to back in my own bed again! 

Anyway I had a good holiday, but unfortunately the weather wasn't great and Friday night we had a thunder storm which knocked out all the power, so there we were sitting in the back with sheet lighting splitting the house in two. I was shit scared!! I hate storms. With A PASSION! 

Tomorrow me and my family are going on holiday for a week. So I won't be posting anything. 

I don't actually know whether anyone out there is actually reading this, or remotely interesting in this website and my blogs. But if you are, then I will get back to you, Sunday week, hopefully. 

I kinda know that what I am writing about isn't really discussed in public like, but please if you are reading this, leave a comment. I don't care what it says, because frequently people don't know how to react to this stuff, but I ain't gonna take any offense okay. 

Anyway, to anyone who reads this thank you very much and I will post again when I return...xx Kat xx
Today I picked up my AS Results...and I passed the year! Just! But even so...I actually succeed. I did okay.

And you know...though I am disappointed with my history result, I am actually proud of me. I worked my but off to pass this year and I did it. 

So overall I got a D in History, which sucks because I KNOW I can do better than that, so I will be resiting that exam. 

A C in Geography, seems I poured everything into that exam, because I so needed that grade. 

A D in Biology, which I am dropping to study Sociology. 

And then a U in Chemistry, which I am okay about because I knew I was going to fail that. Couldn't understand any of it.