All I seem to be doing is school work, and there really doesn't seem to be an end to it. Just when I think I have finished, I get loads more. 

And so I'm sorry I haven't posted much, but thats the way it goes right? 

Yesterday I was working till gone 7, and I never do that. Evenings are my time. But not this week.
I like writing this blog, I like this website. I really do. But I am simply not sure that it is actually working? I mean yes I do get views, but that doesn't mean that people out there are reading it right? And so I am just wondering whether it is actually worth it. 

I mean I sit here and spill my guts about some of the worst stuff that has actually happened to me. Seriously though, over the next few weeks I am going to be talking about my self harming, and suicidal moments, but should I be doing this if no one is reading? 

Maybe I should just stop? I don't know....