For Christmas my Nan and Grandad came over, about 7 on Christmas Eve, and stayed the night. So we played Cards that evening...Boring!! And then about 11 I went to bed. Woke up at 7ish the next morning and opened our presents in the main bedroom, where my Nan and Grandad had slept. I got loads of money. £305 in total I do believe!!! Most of which will be going towards my driving lessons. Plenty of books. So many I've lost track actually. 

Nice necklace, new top, nail polish, a new rucksack. Which I really needed seeing as I have been using Mum's one to carry all my 6th form stuff. Gloves!! I was so jealous of Helena's ones that she got me some of my own!! 3 new CD's!! All of which I really wanted. 

Helena turned up 9PM Christmas Day and stayed, along with my Nan and Grandad through Boxing Day, and has only just left. Though Nan and Grandad left last night about 8:30PM, just before me and Helena watched Miranda and Mrs Brown's Boys. Both of which were so funny. 

Do tell me about your Christmas.