Which was fun, I have been going for just over a year now, and am totally loving it. For a couple of hours a fortnight I can forget everything, but just keeping me heels down and rising and falling in time with the horse. I don't need to think about the amount of homework I have, grades, UCAS, University, EPQ, and any of that. I don't need to worry about it all. Nothing matter except getting the best out of your horse. 
I Go back on the 10th. So I'm spending the last few days of the holidays getting ready, finishing up the final bits of course work, and filing away stuff ready for next year. 

Nearly finished my EPQ, nearly written up the whole of my geography essay. Done my sociology. Done my history. 

Just got to look over my Personal Statement once more. I've got all the bits there, just haven't fitted them together yet. 

This afternoon I am off to buy more card to do yet more paintings. I will be putting more pictures up, including some of my latest.