This afternoon we went to the beach with my Grandparents. We walked along the beach and my dog went in the sea. She didn't swim, too chicken to go out of her depth!! But she paddled. 

Then we walked around the town, and went into Morrisons where Helena bought a DVD. The Hunger Games, which we have just finished watching. And I got my 3rd Celine Dion album. As you do!! Am now loading it onto my iTunes. I am a happy bunny!! 
She came around 9:30 last night, and obviously stayed the night, in my room. Which meant that we were talking till god knows what time of the night. I haven't seen her in a while and we spent most of the evening catching up. 

Today, well I have no idea what we are doing, but we didn't get up till 9. Which is late for me. My Mum doesn't believe in lay ins. 

Then Helena will sleep here again tonight and go home early tomorrow. Like 8 oclock kinda early!!
I don't dream about my Dad often. In fact really rarely. But yesterday me and Mum were talking about him, and crying because there is a chance that we may have to move in the future because she won't be able to run our house. And yea, we both got upset. 

Then last night I dreamt of him. 

I was all alone in the house and he came in. Up to my room, and pushed me onto my bed, leaned over me and told me that I was wrong. He was shouting in my face, and screaming about how I was useless, and stupid. I pushed him off me and told him to get out of our house, my heart was beating really fast and I was scared shift. He then ran across the landing and into my brothers room, where he went through his closet, taking things that he wanted to remind him of Tim. I hit him and took the clothes off of him. Dad then pushed me out of his way, calling me stupid and worthless. I then grabbed my phone and called the police, as Dad left through the front door. All the time screaming at me. I then shouted at the top of my voice that he "sexually and mentally abused me" and had no right to come back to our home. The police said that they would be on the way. Dad then hit me for that comment saying that it was all lies, and that I had no right to be saying that. Because the police station is less than 5 minutes from ours they soon arrived, just as Dad was driving his car towards me, he trapped me up against our garage door, and crushed my legs. The police pulled him out of the car, and cuffed him, an ambulance was called for me. I was in shock and fainted as they removed me from behind the car. I was carried inside and placed down on the sofa. A police man named James stayed with me, while my family was called. At that point my Mum returned after walking Sandy and was informed of what had happened to me. She cried and gave me a massive hug, but I was barely with it. 

A few moments later, just after the ambulance arrived I woke up. 

It was one of the scariest dreams I have ever had, and one I don't want to suffer through again. 
Last night, or early this morning whichever you prefer, Tim went off to Berlin. Which means for 4 days I am free of a brother. Which is beautiful. There with be no windups, no annoying comments, or arrogant self centered brother. Mum can have a bit of a relaxation, and it will mean that everything will be a lot more peaceful. 

Tonight my cousin is coming over to stay until Thursday morning, so that will be nice. Can't wait to see her. 
I am a massive fan of Celine Dion. Why? Well, her music speaks to me. She talks to me of the life that I would like to live. She tells me to follow my dreams and never give up. She tells me that my dreams will come true. She tells me that I can recover. That just because I have been broken doesn't mean I can't heal. She talks to my heart. And so I fell in love with her music, and through that, I fell in love with her. 

I haven't been a fan for long. In fact if it wasn't for Helena I would never have really known about her music. I had heard of her, course I had. But I had never taken the time to listen to her music. Until my cousin told me to listen to Because You Loved Me...

And so I did. And I fell in love. I spent the next two days listening to her music constantly. The I did an Amazon search and found a CD of hers I wanted. My Love: The Ultimate Essential Edition

I bought it in July. Just after my birthday. I listened to it so much. I couldn't get enough of her music. The CD travels on every long car journey with me. Of course I loaded it onto my iPod and so at home I don't really use the CD but I am always listening to the music. 

In August/ early September I bought my second CD of hers. Celine Dion Celine Dion!! One of her first English ones I think?éline/dp/B000006Y8G/ref=sr_1_31?ie=UTF8&qid=1351521208&sr=8-31

Again I love it..and am now looking to buy my third. I just can't get enough of her music. 

My favourite song of hers has to be If Thats What It Takes, which I bought off iTunes because I just had to have it...its beautiful and sad in a way, but at the same time full of love and friendship. I hope to feel like that about someone someday.

Celine Dion is my favourite singer, and a true idol of mine now. And I know that for the rest of my life I will love her music. I hope to see her live
Only three more to go. The way I figure it, is if I do one a day, then I will finish all my work by Tuesday and the rest of the holiday, can really be a holiday. Will just have to remember to print it all out at the end of the week!! I usually forget to do that! 

Anyway, todays one was on Marxist theories of Crime and Deviance. Tomorrow is German Politics After WWI, which is gonna take forever. Then on Monday I am tackling Weather and Climate; The Great Storm of 1987. And finally on Tuesday I am looking at The Labelling Approach to Crime and Deviance. 

Both todays and tuesday are sociology essays for the the Topic (surprisingly) Crime and Deviance. 

So here I sit at my desk surrounded by books and papers and at least six folders, I feel exhausted, and yet I have barely moved from my chair today. One good




Taylor Swift - Mean 

Am seriously loving this song at the moment..woke up with the lyrics running round my brain. 
And I am not talking metaphorically here. I am in pain. Serious physical pain. I have an extremely bad back ache, and neck ache and I don't know why. All I know is that I can't move without being in pain. Even sitting down hurts. And lying down. I can't do anything without hurting. I took a really long bath, but it didn't help. I've taken some tablets but they haven't kicked in yet. Which sucks, seeing as I HAVE to walk my dog later. That should be fun. Well, it is certainly going to be painful.

At least I am not in school till two, and hopefully my mum is gonna drop me off, so I wont be have to walk.

But by the looks of it I am spending the day in pain!! 
Tomorrow I only do an hour of school..then half term begins, and apart from writing four essay...:(, I have a week to relax and enjoy a bit of a social life!!
Today I picked up my bursery. Which pleased me loads, coz until this morning I didn't know whether I would get one this year.