We all are alive, we are all here today, and trying to make sense of our lives, of where we are going, of who we are. We are all trying to be someone, to make a difference. To change the world and make a life for ourselves. 
But everyone is different, everyone is beautiful in their own way, and we all can do it. We can all change the world in a small way, just by being alive, we have all made a difference to someone's life. We have made a difference in our parents lives, sibling's lives, Grandparent's lives, friends lives, teachers lives, we have all affected someone in someway. 
A friend of mine said to me today that she no longer sees me as a victim, that my past doesn't define all I am today. That I am more confident in myself (true, but only to a certain degree). She said how I was a strong personality, and how I had greater understanding of life than most people my age. 

It made me realize that actually I have come so far from where I was this time two years ago, or even a year ago. She is right, I am in a way, a totally different person. 

And this person has moved on. She has a new life now. And is learning to deal with the emotional abuse she has been dealt.