I'm gonna miss you...:(

Yesterday I had to say a very sad goodbye to Guiness, a horse at the riding stables where I am learning to ride. 

Guiness is the first horse I ever rode, and for most of my lessons I have ridden him. He is such a character and though unpredictable he makes me smile and I know that with him I will progress as much as I possibly can. 

But he leaves the stables today. Yesterday was my last lesson on him. I cried as I dismounted and leaving the areas I burst into tears, and as they led him out they said that I could go to his stall and give him a hug goodbye. I did, but it just made me cry even more. 

But I am glad I got to say goodbye. I had known that he was leaving, but I didn't think it would be till the end of the year. But no, he is gone now. And I will never ride him again. 

It was a good last lesson though, I got to canter on him and we have a good last lesson. 

Goodbye Guiness..:(