


I got 159 views yesterday...thats the most I've ever had I think. So thank you all you lovely readers..I can't believe it!! Made my day
So as you know me and my family went out last night. It was amazing. The restaurant was soooooo nice, the food was amazing, and they had a REAL fire. It was so warm in there. I love it. It was my the sea, which made little difference considering it was dark by the time we got there, but even so!! 

I had soup to start. Which was lovely, I didn't really like the sea food and the other I had no idea what it is was, so I went for soup, and I loved it. Next I had beef, didn't want turkey as that is for Christmas, and we normally have chicken. There were three big slices and I thought that I would end up leaving some, so i didn't have as many veggies. 

Next I had White Chocolate Cheesecake which though rich, was absolutely gorgeous, so glad I choose that!! It was homemade with proper biscuit! Loved it. Wish I could have it more often!

Then we went through into a little sitting room area with really comfy chairs, by the fire and talked for ages!! 

All in all a perfect evening!
Before he met his current wife, Callie, we use to go out on his birthday for a meal, all of us. But now, well we aren't seeing him at all. Instead we are going out for a Christmas meal with Jay, Helena and my Nannie and Grandad. Life has changed dramatically since my Uncle married Callie. And none of it is for the better
That was his way of making up for Tuesday. We all arrived to find that he had brought in a coffee machine and biscuits, to say sorry for missing our lesson. Well, I guess, thanks to that, we might just be able to forgive him!
So I went to my Geography lesson, and we all arrived a little early so were sitting there and chatting and before we knew it quarter of an hour had passed, and still no Mr T. Where was he?? No one knew though a couple of people had seen him earlier in the day. 

Other teachers were calling him, looking for him, and where trying to find out where he had got to...we were kinda worried, wondering if he was okay, whether he had been hit by a car or something. 

Well, eventually he turned up with about 20 minutes of the lesson left, saying that he thought it was Wednesday and he had a 'non contact period'. I wasn't impressed to say the least. It was my only lesson of the day. And I had wasted three hours of my day. 

As we left I said " Thanks for nothing". Bit harsh I know but I think the situation called for it..don't you??
Firstly I saw my History/Sociology Teacher, who I will call Mrs L. She said that I was doing amazingly well in both of my subjects and that I could get B's in both and maybe even an A in Sociology!! Yay!! She says that I am working really well and have a great attitude towards school and always work really hard. She said I was always well organized and did everything that was expected of me. 

Next came Mr T, one of my three Geography teachers. He says that in the next exam I if I could secure a really solid C then I am in with a chance of getting a high C overall. He says that I am currently working really well. 

Then we went to see Mrs R, my History Teacher and Form Tutor. Who said that the group I was working in had produced the best seminar that year, and that I always did the reading and really knew my stuff, and so was on my way to producing a great piece of coursework. She said that I had successfully done all my UCAS stuff and had done everything that I needed to with limited help from her. Then she called me and ideal student. Something I am not so sure about but it was nice to hear. 

Finally we saw one of my other Geography teachers, Mrs P. Who said that my essay writing needed some improvement, and that I just needed to consolidate my learning, but that my verbal answers were good and that I would get there by June and hopefully produce a great essay, and get a C. 

So overall a good evening. Proud really because I have worked so hard this year. 
Santa, you and I both know that things haven't been easy for my family these past few years. We have all been tested and I know that we are stronger for what we have been through. I know that my mum feels guilty for everything that has happened to me, and so Santa I ask that you take away her guilt. It hurts her, and I dont want her to hurt. Just like I know she doesn't want me to. Santa please, let my mum be happy, let everything work out okay for this family. We can't cope with anymore hurt, anymore pain. So please let us be happy, let us move on with our lives. I know that this really isn't a present, but Santa that is all I wish for. I just want some happiness to come back into this family. I want to be able to feel something again Santa. Please, I hate being numb. I hate feeling like I have torn my family apart. I hate it everytime mum worries about money, and every time she says about us losing our house I feel so bad Santa. Please just let us be okay. Please Santa, thats all I want. 
I wish it could be Friday. It doesn't seem possible that we have only have two days of school this week. Feels like four or five already. And it's not like I have been doing 6 lessons a day. Yesterday I only did 2, today 5. 

So why do I feel so tired? I don't know. Maybe because christmas is so close. Maybe because I have had a headache for the past two days? well whatever the reason I feel tired and wish I didn't have so much homework to do. But hey I only do two lessons tomorrow so hopeful I will be able to relax a bit. And get most of the work done!
So I saw Gambit, and had fun. Obviously. We really enjoyed it. Had something to eat before hand, then walked to the cinema for the 8 viewing. There were only about 5 of us in there. And it was amazing. 

Then went back to Helenas and talked and watch TV before going to bed. I woke up early and got ready, then went on Helena's computer and read her blog!! That Girl...Online!! Amazing! Read it. 

Then had pancakes in bed!! Whoo...before my Mum came and picked me up. Overall a great weekend. 
I absolutely loved it. Definitely one I will be getting on DVD. I laughed so much. Especially at the end. Wasn't expecting that. 

Seriously though, if you haven't seen it you so should.