The bridges I’ve burnt,
They make me, who I am,
They have scared me,
Torn me apart,
But they have shown me, who I really am,
Underneath all this hurt and pain,
I know that they can’t always be rebuilt,
The bridges I’ve burnt,

There have been many bridges through my life
Some have cut me like a knife,
Others have shown me love,
As pure as a white dove,
But all of them have helped make me,
Who I am today,

The bridges I’ve burnt,
They tell the story of my life,
They have cut me up,
Left me for dead,
But they have made,
 Me stronger, and happier today,
I know that I can’t always fix,
The bridges I’ve burnt, 

There have been many bridges through my life
Some have cut me like a knife,
Others have shown me love,
As pure as a white dove,
But all of them have helped make me,
Who I am today,

The bridges I’ve burnt,
If I walked down their paths again,
I could tell you step by step,
The journey I would be taking,
This is because it is the journey,
Of my life, of my past,
And I remember all those I’ve shared it with,
And all those bridges I’ve burnt

There have been many bridges through my life
Some have cut me like a knife,
Others have shown me love,
As pure as a white dove,
But all of them have helped make me,
Who I am today,

There have been many bridges through my life
Some have cut me like a knife,
Others have shown me love,
As pure as a white dove,
But all of them have helped make me,
Who I am today
I sometimes wonder why
Wonder why life,
Can be so complicated,
It can hurt you, like a knife,
Or can be as sweet as that guy
I met last week, 

It can hurt you, even kill you,
With just one blow,
It is so harsh, so unfair,     
So difficult to understand,
But yet, last week it brought me,
So close to the edge, and it showed me,
All the secrets of this so called life,
I have found myself living,

I sometimes wonder why
Wonder why life,
Can be so complicated,
It can hurt you, like a knife,
Or can be as sweet as that guy
I met last week, 

It can be so sad
Take away from you those you love,
In a heartbeat, just like that,
And you never even had chance to say bye,
But yet, last week, I found a lover,
And it was because of this life,
That I found him,
So maybe it’s not all that sad,

I sometimes wonder why
Wonder why life,
Can be so complicated,
It can hurt you, like a knife,
Or can be as sweet as that guy
I met last week,

It can make you happy,
For no apparent reason,
You can suddenly find yourself smiling,
And have a warm, fuzzy feeling inside,
Or it can break you down,
With tears pouring down your cheeks,
Long winding rivers flowing from your eyes,
And you can hardly stand for the pain your holding inside

I sometimes wonder why
Wonder why life,
Can be so complicated,
It can hurt you, like a knife,
Or can be as sweet as that guy
I met last week,

I said I sometimes wonder why
Wonder why life,
Can be so complicated,
It can hurt you, like a knife,
Or can be as sweet as that guy
I met last week
The way you treat me
The way you love me
The way you walk
Some things I don’t understand
You are one of them
You are one of them

As I walk through life
There are many things
I just don’t understand
No matter how hard I try
I just can’t see how you
Can love me, yet leave me
The way you walk towards me
That confident swagger
I know what is going to happen
Some things I don’t understand

The way to love
The way to feel
The way to live
Some things I don’t understand
You are one of them
You are one of them

You pick me up, whirl me round
As you walk through the door
You kiss me and hold
I know you love me today
You touch me so much
I can barely hold in my
Love for you
You are my soul
Some things I don’t understand

The way to love
The way to feel
The way to live
Some things I don’t understand
You are one of them
You are one of them

You love me hard
And deep, you touch
Me where it hurts
Then you leave me
Lying there loving yet
Hating you for making
Me feel so worthless
You are confusing me
Some things I don’t understand

The way to love
The way to feel
The way to live
 Some things I don’t understand
You are one of them
You are one of them

You hold me close
Kiss me deep
Never leave me
Love me always
I feel special now
You make me whole
I love you so much
I’m never leaving you
You are my heart
Some things I don’t understand

The way to love
The way to feel
The way to live
Some things I don’t understand
You are one of them
You are one of them

The way to love
The way to feel
The way to live
Some things I don’t understand
You are one of them
You are one of them
I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?

Can’t you see
I am not the person
You thought I was
I am me, my own
Person, you can’t
Control me, I am
Not your baby girl
Anymore, I have
Changed, please,
Let me go

I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?

I can’t be bound by
These chains anymore
I need to feel
Alive, feel something
Real, let me go and
Don’t worry about
Me, I can look after
Myself now, I can
Survive without
You looking over my shoulder

I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?

I have done things
You can’t even imagine
I know more about life than
You think, so please let me live
I know you worry
But there is no need
I can take care of me
Now it’s time to let me go
It’s time for me to
Find out who I am

I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?

I wanna fly
Will you let me?
I wanna do what I
Feel I have to
Will you let me?
I wanna be me
Will you let me?
My Nannie Gave Me The Idea For This Song, When We Were Driving Home One Winter Night, She Said "The Last Time We Saw Him, Was When The Snow Was On The Ground". The Moment We Got Home I Ran Up To My Room And Wrote This Song

When the snow was on the ground,
That was when I fell for you,
When the snow was on the ground
I met you, kissed you, loved you,
When the snow was on the ground

When the snow was on the ground,
That was the last time I saw you,
I wonder, where are you now,
When the snow was on the ground,

When the snow was on the ground,
You walked into my life with that smile
Dazzling enough to blind any level headed girl,
You were wild, passionate and so loveable
Every night I dreamt of you are your love,
Love I wished to feel every moment of the day,
When the snow was on the ground

When the snow was on the ground,
That was when I fell for you,
When the snow was on the ground
I met you, kissed you, loved you,
When the snow was on the ground

When the snow was on the ground,
We talked in the firelight
Made love in the moonlight, and I told you
I loved you and you said you loved me too,
You lead me into your whirlwind spider web
That caught my heart so perfectly,
You made me believe what
We had could last but it wasn’t meant to be,
When the snow was on the ground,

When the snow was on the ground,
That was when I fell for you,
When the snow was on the ground
I met you, kissed you, loved you,
When the snow was on the ground

When the snow was on the ground,
You took me in your arms, held me,
Made love to me so many times,
You wrapped me tightly into my heart,
I feel lost without you now,
We had something I thought was so
Special but you left without a word,
When the snow was on the ground,

When the snow was on the ground,
That was when I fell for you,
When the snow was on the ground
I met you, kissed you, loved you,
When the snow was on the ground

When the snow was on the ground,
That was the last time I saw you,
I wonder, where are you now,
When the snow was on the ground,

When the snow was on the ground,
That was when I fell for you,
When the snow was on the ground
I met you, kissed you, loved you,
When the snow was on the ground

I Wrote This Song For Sara, Because She Saved My Life. And I Love Her More Than Words Can Ever Explain. She Is My Surrogate Mother x

You broke my walls,
I never thought I could let you in
No matter how much I wanted to,
I was just afraid to trust you
But you proved me wrong every day,
Showed me you wouldn’t ever hurt me,
You stood by my side and
Helped me cope, helped me survive

Why I will never know,
Never know why you choose to help me
Choose to let me close
When I needed someone,
 Yes, I will never know why

You showed me you could be trusted
I never thought I would again
Yet you showed me I could
You let me cry on your shoulder,
Let me unburned my fears on you
And slowly I did start to trust
Because I realized you wanted to help
Help me get my life back
And you broke that wall around my heart

Why I will never know,                                                
Never know why you choose to help me
Choose to let me close
When I needed someone,
Yes, I will never know why

And so I now just want to say this,
Over time you have shown me that
Some things have to be done,
Some things have to be said
So I am going to do and say this,
Without you I wouldn’t be here today,
The person I am today
Living the life I am
Please let me say this,

Why I will never know,
Never know why you choose to help me
Choose to let me close
When I needed someone,
Yes, I will never know why

Yet now I feel I don’t have to know
Why you did what you did
And why you said what you said
But thank you from the bottom of my heart,
And I am truly grateful for all that
You have done for me
You are totally amazing
I’m glad you are who you are.
You changed my life. 
Today I came here to ask you something God,
Why me? Why does he love me? I’m nothing special
I’m not pretty or sexy or that talented, I’m no A grade
Student so why me? Please answer me, I need to know.
I think that he loves me but why I don’t know
I can’t see in me what he does so why me?

He could have anyone, he’s smart, funny and drop dead gorgeous
Yet he chooses me. He could have the head cheerleader,
The teachers daughter, anyone so why me?

Today I wish to find out the answer to my question,
I wish to know why me? I am lost, confused and a bit
Worried, what if he is playing me? What if the love he
Is showing me is something he doesn’t really feel? I
Just want to know why he choose me, everyone is jealous but
I can’t see in me what he does so why me?

He could have anyone, he’s smart, funny and drop dead gorgeous
Yet he chooses me. He could have the head cheerleader,
The teachers daughter, anyone so why me?

Today I know I should confront him, but I am just too
Scared, I love him and am afraid of losing him because I
Can’t help but doubt him. Why me? Why did he
Fall for me? I know I should trust him yet it’s
All too good to be real, I’m not anything special
I can’t see in me what he does so why me?

He could have anyone, he’s smart, funny and drop dead gorgeous
Yet he chooses me. He could have the head cheerleader,
The teachers daughter, anyone so why me?

He could have anyone, he’s smart, funny and drop dead gorgeous
Yet he chooses me. He could have the head cheerleader,
The teachers daughter, anyone so why me?

Please God tell me, why me? Why me? I said why me?
You’re my perfect love
The way you kiss me
The way you hold me
Everything you do
Shows me that
You’re my perfect love

You know which path
To trace down my body
How tight to hold me
How long to kiss me
How many times to
Make love to me
You know all there
Is to know about me

 You’re my perfect love
The way you kiss me
The way you hold me
Everything you do
Shows me that
You’re my perfect love

You know just how
To curl your fingers
Into my hair
How to make me
Believe that you
Truly love me
You know all there
Is to know about me

You’re my perfect love
The way you kiss me
The way you hold me
Everything you do
Shows me that
You’re my perfect love

You know what to say
To me when I feel sad
How to make me laugh
How to make me smile
How to stop the tears I cry from
Flowing down my cheeks
You know all there
Is to know about me

You’re my perfect love
The way you kiss me
The way you hold me
Everything you do
Shows me that
You’re my perfect love

You know what to do
To make my past disappear
From my thoughts
How to make the future
Be so perfect for us
And our never ending love
You know all there
Is to know about me

You’re my perfect love
The way you kiss me
The way you hold me
Everything you do
Shows me that
You’re my perfect love

You know me
So perfectly
Inside out, back to front
You know me
And I know you
I know you love me
As I love you
Together forever

You’re my perfect love
The way you kiss me
The way you hold me
Everything you do
Shows me that
You’re my perfect love

One of the first I ever wrote

Bad boy love
Come over here,
Sweep me up,
Take me to your place,
And make bad boy love
To me

Can’t you see
The need in me,
I want you here,
So please, my dear
Let’s do this
Starting with a kiss,
Ending sometime never,
Through all sorts of weather

Bad boy love
Come over here,
Sweep me up,
Take me to your place,
And make bad boy love
To me

I knew the day we met
It was the perfect set
For something amazing,
I’m never going
To leave you
No matter what you do
You’re the one
Who’s given me the most fun

Bad boy love
Come over here,
Sweep me up,
Take me to your place,
And make bad boy love
To me

All the men I’ve had
They have ended up making me sad
But not you
Everything you do
You send me over the edge
Of this precarious ledge
I live on, please
Never, ever leave

Bad boy love
Come over here,
Sweep me up,
Take me to your place,
And make bad boy love
To me

Shall I start
By giving you my heart
Or by showing
You what  you’re doing
To me (To me)
Can’t you see
I’m wild for you
And all you do

Bad boy love
Come over here,
Sweep me up,
Take me to your place,
And make bad boy love
To me

Bad boy love (I said)
Come over here,
Sweep me up,
Take me to your place,
And make bad boy love
To me (To me)

I need to ask you something,
It’s not to buy me a diamond ring
But something far more important to me
Because there is something I want you to see,
It’s about what I feel for you
I feel something so pure and true
I don’t know how to put it into words
So please, can you, from here onwards
Bare with me as I tell my story,
I’ll try to tell this quickly
But I can’t and won’t promise anything
Let’s start with the day we met, laughing
By the beach, swimming in the sea
And you called me baby

So here we are and
I need to ask this of you
It means a lot to me, because since I
Met you this life has never been the same
For me, and so I need to ask
Please, never let me go
If you did I think I would die
You are my world now, please
Never let me go

The next day we talked till midnight
And made love until we could see daylight
I never realized I would come to love you,
Love you just as much as I now do
Standing here in your doorway
I see that I have to find someway
To show you what I feel inside
I sit down at your bedside
Look into your eyes and
Tell you how much your love means
Love I have never felt before, not even in my teens
Our love is one of a kind, the very best
I am totally obsessed

So here we are and
I need to ask this of you
It means a lot to me, because since I
Met you this life has never been the same
For me, and so I need to ask
Please, never let me go
If you did I think I would die
You are my world now, please
Never let me go

I haven’t known you all that long
But I know I am not wrong
In what I feel for you
So without any adieu
Let’s start our life, together
Say our vows at the altar,
And make love till the morning light
Once more, dance in the moonlight
Because I love you more the anyone
Don’t tell me this is so sudden
I know but please say yes
And call me your princess
I know I’m not meant to do this
But I couldn’t live without your kiss

So here we are and
I need to ask this of you
It means a lot to me, because since I
Met you this life has never been the same
For me, and so I need to ask
Please, never let me go
If you did I think I would die
You are my world now, please
Never let me go

Your touch, your love, I need all of you
I just wish you knew
What I felt the day I saw you standing
There, my dreams came true, loving
You is all I want to do
What I’m saying is true
You are my only love darling
We have an amazing, sparkling
Love like no other in this life
So, one day please make me your wife
It’s doesn’t have to be soon
You don’t have to give me the moon
I just need your promise
And your everlasting kindness

So here we are and
I need to ask this of you
It means a lot to me, because since I
Met you this life has never been the same
For me, and so I need to ask
Please, never let me go
If you did I think I would die
You are my world now, please
Never let me go