I kissed him. And I liked it. I think. But he made me feel uncomfortable. He made me feel like I was pathetic. I didn't feel right with him. He hurt me. Yet I know that I have to trust people again. I have to let someone in. Let someone help me. But I am not sure he is the one. He didn't make me feel special. Or touch me so that all I wanted was him. He didn't feel me. I want love!! I want the kinda love where you fall in love at first sight. He didn't give me that. I want someone who will touch me and make me weak at the knees. I want that impossible fairytale love. He didn't give me that. I didn't feel any connection between us. 

Yet he says he can love me, and bring me out of my shell. He says that he will be there for me. I don't know...do I give him a chance??

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