My Dad had two great kids, they worked hard, they tried their best, they respected people, they were polite, they had dreams and ambitions, they didn't argue that much really, they had been brought up well. By him? No. By their mother. 

Their mother was the one who woke them up every morning, got them ready for school, took them to school, picked them up from school, made their tea, read to them every single night, put them to bed and kissed them goodnight. And what did they always ask, every single evening "When is Daddy coming home?" and what was the standard answer? "I don't know. " she always said. Who treats their wife like that? Well, he always did. She never knew where he was or what she was doing. 

My father was never around when I was a child, he never helped us with our homework, he never took us out, he never encouraged us at anything. 

Even when he was around, he was never there, not really. You could be having a conversation with him and he would wander off and make a phone call, or start talking to someone else. 

You weren't really a person. You were an object. 

And our lives were kinda falling apart. 

Mum and Dad had never got on, you kinda grew up knowing that your parents didn't love one another. As as you got older you realized that the only reason they were together was because of you. 

I remember going Christmas shopping with Dad the year before he left. He told us if we ever wanted him and Mum to spilt up we should just say so because we were the only reason they were still together. I guess that just confirmed the idea that he was having an affair. 

I kinda knew he wasn't faithful and Mum did as well. But neither of us let on to the other. Though recently she has said she knew though not in some many words. 

When I was 7 I saw him kissing a woman at his work. I went home and told Mum. I didn't know what it meant but as I got older I started to understand what I had seen. And it made me realize; I don't think I ever saw my parents kissing. 

No, Dad didn't deserve all that he had. 

He had a wife who did everything. Cooked, cleaned, worked, and looked after his children 24/7. He never had any pressure on him. He could work all hours that God sent. Or do whatever else he wanted....

He was lucky, yet he through that all away. For what. So he could torture his daughter. I can't see sense in that one. 

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