It went on for such along time, I can't really remember when it started. To me I grew up with it happening nearly everyday so I ended up thinking it was part of a normal family. 

As I got older I started to hate it, and hate my Father for doing it to me. I thought I was weak because I couldn't cope with it. I'm not gonna speak about what he DID to me. But he never raped me or anything like that. It wasn't like that. But it made me feel stupid, weak and guilty. I though I was nothing. I didn't think anyone could care about me. I didn't trust anyone. But things are different now. My life has changed. 

That period of my life was really difficult. You feel so alone, and have no one there for you. I personally couldn't tell anyone for fear of what might happen. I thought they would say I was being stupid and it was something that happened to every girl and I was weak because I couldn't cope. When I was little I thougt it was a kinda test you had to go through. I never really understood a proper family, I've never had one. Whenever I see one, I am on the outside looking in. 

My Dad has made things difficult for me in so many ways but aleast now I am starting to rebuild my life. But he will always be there. A shadow of horror perched on my shoulder, following me wherever I go. 

Yet once you have survived this you know you can survive anything. You have been to the darkess part of life and managed to live to see another day. 

So keep on going, never give up, because things do get better and you can survive. 

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